Membangun Mulai dari Desa
Build Start From Village
It is time the central government and regional development focus from the village. So far, the villagers always dinomorduakan. As part of the nation's children, progress and prosperity of all villages in Indonesia will affect the prosperity of Indonesia. Development must start from the village, including infrastructure, human resources, health economics and so forth.
Villages in Indonesia
According to Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 on the village, called the Village is the unity of the legal community who have boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage the interests of local communities, based on the origin and local customs are recognized and respected within the Unitary State Government Republic of Indonesia.
Village is not a subordinate districts, because districts are part of the district / city, and the village is not part of the region. In contrast to the Village, the Village has the right to organize a broader area. But in its development, a village can change the status of a municipality.
Village authorities, among others:
- Organizing an existing government affairs based on the rights of rural origin
- Organizing the affairs of government the authority districts / cities which submitted its settings to the village, which the government functions that can directly increase the public service.
- Duties of assistance from the Government, Provincial Government and Regency / City Government
- Other government affairs submitted to the village.
Village self-government. Village Government consists of the Village Government (which includes the Village Head and Village Devices) and Village Consultative Body (BPD)
Village Head
Village Head is the head of village governance based on policies determined along with the Village Consultative Body (BPD). The term of office is 6 years old village chief, and may be extended again for one more term. Village heads also have the authority to enact the Village which has been approved along with the BPD.
Tool Village
The device assists the village mayor in carrying out the duties and authority. One of the village is the village secretary, who filled from Civil Service. Village Secretary appointed by the Secretary of the Regional District on behalf of the Regent / Mayor.
Devices other Village appointed by the mayor of the village population, which are determined by the Decree of the Head of the Village.
Village Consultative Body
Village Consultative Body (BPD) is the embodiment of democratic institutions in village governance. BPD members are representatives of the villagers concerned based on the representation area. BPD members consist of the Chairman of Citizens Pillars, indigenous stakeholders, professional groups, religious leaders and figures or other community leaders. Term of office of members of the BPD is 6 years and may be appointed / re-proposed for the 1st time next term. Chairman and Members of BPD are not allowed concurrent position as Head of the Village and Village Devices. BPD function together stipulate Village Village Head, accommodate and channel the aspirations of the community.
In the village can be formed social institutions, ie institutions established by the society in accordance with the needs and represents government partners in empowering rural communities. Social institutions established by the Village Regulations. One function of social institutions is as reservoirs and channeling people's aspirations in development. The working relationship between community organizations are partnering with the Village Administration, consultative and coordinative.
Formation of the Village (Village Administrative Division)
Village was established on the initiative of society by taking into account the origins of the village and socio-cultural conditions of local communities. Formation of the village can be a merger of several villages, or parts of villages bersandingan, or expansion of a village into two or more villages, or the formation of villages outside the existing village.
Villages can be changed or adjusted status to village based on the initiative of the Government of the Village with BPD with attention to suggestions and opinions of the local community. Villages are turned into a village, headman and devices filled from civil servants.
Village has changed its status to benefit their local wealth and riches to be managed by the municipality concerned for the interests of local communities.
Village has a unique cultural characteristics or local customs which are very urgent,
Community Empowerment Program
There are bureaucrats who based their performance paradigm of legality, which means any small job there must be a legal basis or guidelines juknisnya. But there is also a performance based on the benefits to society, no matter there is uu, pp, decrees, regulations, sk, operational guidelines technical guidelines, what if his work for the benefit of society, go ahead nonetheless managed budget that the government actually belongs to the people. The implementation of the PPM is able endongkarak participation of villages in the village.
The paradigm of development is the construction of reality are used for researching and analyzing natural and social phenomena. In this regard, the Paradigm Development is the construction of people's minds about the reality of development and problems of development problems.
In the construction of known three types namely the Development Paradigm:
1. The development paradigm that focuses on equity
2. The development paradigm that focuses on growth
3. Pemba-building paradigm that berfo-pack on the empowerment of the people.
The development paradigm that focuses on making equity is that equitable outcomes as the building of a central issue in development. Equitable welfare of the people who desire a precedence.
The development paradigm that focuses on growth is the paradigm that makes growth a central issue in development. Paradigm expects the acquisition of high-income countries, but less attention to the welfare of the people in general.
The development paradigm that focuses on empowerment of the people is a promising paradigm of the people as the center of development, both in the construction of the concept and unorthodox construction, which equalizes the will and creativity of the people, who develop the ability of people, and who consider the assessment of development results.
1. Purpose and Objectives
The purpose to be achieved from the program Empowerment Village known by the community in terms of Community Empowerment Programme (PPM) is to improve the performance of government administration Village in providing services to the community and self-reliance in development implementation within the framework of the realization of socio-economic empowerment Village.
While the goal is:
• Improve government performance Village as a means of community service within the framework of the development of socio-economic activities of society;
• Improve institutional capacity at the level of Village un-tuk manage filtration process contribution aspiration, deliberations in decision-making, and empower the community in the framework of the implementation process of development in the government;
• Increase participation, community participation and creativity in development;
• the provision of infrastructure and facilities for the development of economic activities;
• boost the productive economic activities and employment creation in rural areas;
• Encourage the equitable distribution of income and business opportunities of society.
2. Scope
Empowerment of Village Focus on 2 (two) types of activities that include:
• Operational Assistance Administration Village. This activity is a direct aid to the Village used to support the implementation of the Government of Village. Government operational assistance Villages in use to support the implementation of village government, including activities: BPD, LPMD / C, PKK, Youth, Statistics Village as well as operational costs Pemerinthan Village.
• Community Empowerment Activity Village This event is a direct assistance to community empowerment Village / Kleurahan with a focus on physical activity the building of economic infrastructure and productive.
Activities Community Empowerment Village in use for Fee, Community Empowerment Activity Village and Operating Costs of Community Empowerment Village.
Community empowerment activities Dea / Wards, covering:
- The development / maintenance of facilities and infrastructure (roads, irrigation channels, bridges, culverts - sewer, plengsengan, Market Village, etc.) that support the socio-economic activities of society by involving the wider community;
- Productive economic activities that lead to the role of improving people's economy based on small industrial sector, trade, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery according to the conditions and potentials;
Efforts to Increase Participation Masyaraakat In Development
The term is often equated with the participation of community participation. Meanwhile, Gordan W. Allport (1945), states that a person is actually experiencing the involvement of participating himself / his ego that is more than involvement in any job or task.
Keith Davis (1967) provide three (3) an emphasis on participation, namely:
1. Participation is mental and emotional involvement;
2. Participation requires a contribution towards the interest group goals;
3. Participation is the responsibility of the group.
Further community participation can be interpreted as conscious participation of the community for mentally and emotionally involved in the development process. Forms of public participation can be a fruit of thought, effort, and property (money and material). To mengkuantifikasiakan form - the form of participation and enables the calculation is usually assessed with the money, so there is a term commonly known as NGOs.
On empowerment progam Village first year (2001), yet require governmental organizations (Especially his property), however for the mind and the power is desirable. It can be seen by people in his dilibatkannyan TPK D / K, but nevertheless still appeared governmental organizations. These conditions show that communities, not too hard to be involved in the development process. On empowerment progam Village in the second and third (2002 and 2003) in the allocation of funds begin to be considered indicators of non-governmental organizations as well as other indicators including the UN and the number of poor people.
by : Ketua DPP-PPD ( Hilman Hamid )
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